Natalie Cooper
Guided counselling
When I first started seeing Sonia for 1-1 counselling guidance, I also joined in one of Sonia’s weekly mediation groups. As a business journalist, writer, and editor, I had led a pretty busy life at that time. I’d also stumbled across some major roadblocks in my personal life.
Childhood and family issues I thought I’d dealt with, were still lurking around and catching me unawares. Or suddenly jumping out of nowhere and putting my life back into chaos, causing extreme distress and anxiety. Circumstances that I felt were out beyond my control arose, catching me off guard.
Derailing me and leading me to tailspin not knowing which way was up or down when all I’d strived for was a normal, orderly, calm, peaceful life. This wasn’t to be at that time.
As I started meditating and learning to turn meditation into a daily habit through Sonia’s support and guidance, I would get in all sorts of scenes, visions, colours, and what felt like real life memories of sorts that I hadn’t experienced in the physical.
Meaning it felt like these experiences had come from somewhere else – like another lifetime ago. It literally is a feeling like you are out of body and in an entirely different dimension. I learned from Sonia everything I experienced was all normal and part of a longer life journey of opening me up psychically and spiritually.
This is when Sonia started talking to me, saying I needed to be developed, but slowly.
Personal development
After quite a few 1-1 development sessions where we discussed and went through all sorts of subjects around things like karma, auras, different ways and types of psychic gifts, channelling, clearing the ego, what are guides and meeting your main guides and so on, I was eventually invited to participate in the monthly development group. Once a month, we meet up on a Saturday.
Spiritual growth
It was this combination of 1-1 counselling, weekly meditation, and monthly development over several years that opened me up in a measured way.
Otherwise it can feel quite overpowering. And this is how Sonia helps, and can slow it down or guide you to open up more to be able to handle it, and know how to ground yourself.
I’ve always felt in an incredibly safe space to share with Sonia my fears, insecurities. She understands exactly where my ego is at. You cannot get away with anything! She has helped me to stop the overthinking and constant analysis.
Inner guidance and intuition
Sonia has taught me how to see much more clearly – and interpret my true north. My natural intuition. Through meditation practice and stilling the monkey mind, I’ve been learning how to tap into my intuition from a deeply quietened space within myself.
Then I can access the guidance that is meant for me and know as well as understand the direction in which I’m meant to travel.
Sonia has always been there for me, making sure I stay on track and don’t wander off or drift back into playing out childhood learnt and reactive patterns of behaviour. It’s a very deep learning process. And this is why meditation is so key.
Quietening our minds
Without learning how to quieten our minds, we allow our egos to dominate and confuse our thoughts, intuition or guidance. This is why it is so important to have a teacher you trust with the utmost mutual respect for one another, because the spiritual development road is not an easy one to undertake.
Through my development with Sonia, I’ve been able to unravel what has been hindering and holding me back or prevented me from treading a new track that’s full of promise and opportunity.
However, through meditation and development, when we commit to taking action from the guidance we receive, we start the deeper level process of personal growth.
It has taken me courage, bravery, tenacity and strength to breakthrough. I have always known the alternative is to stay stuck, that causes further stress, pain and often leads back to playing out unhealthy and often, repetitive patterns of negative behaviour.
Changing our way forward
When you receive realisations that you need to change your way forward, it might feel scary, nerve-wracking, even terrifying at first. But it feels ‘right’, because there’s also an edge of excitement, awe and wonder. There’s a touch of magic and mystery in the air that you cannot ignore.
You’re feeling fired up more than you have in weeks, months or years, because you’ve been shown where to seek new adventures, come up with solutions, and how to pursue a healthier way forward, that’s meant just for you.
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